App Deck Slides for Seldne
Slide 1) A Junior Tennis Mental Health and Wellness Program
Slide 2) PROBLEM
a) Alarming rates of mental health issues affecting teens across the US, so much so the Surgeon General declared teen mental health the crisis of our time.
b) Environment plays a key role in the health and welfare of our youth. The junior tennis life is a long, demanding, and uniquely stressful environment to grow up in
c) Placing vulnerable immature youths under the extended stress of the tennis journey without the proper safeguards in place is a prescription for trouble
d) We've never been more knowledgeable, more aware, and more engaged with youth mental health, yet we continue to fall further behind. What gives?
Slide 3) SOLUTION: Build the Safeguards by becoming Pro-active.
Be preventative instead of Corrective
We've left too much to chance for too long
Using all forms of multimedia, a data-driven performance and life enhancing program assured to give players a competitive advantage.
Introduction: Introduce and Define Topic:
Video: Patrick McEnroe's Whiteboard Explainers
Personalize: Myself sharing my experience strength and hope from my life story
Podcasts: Interviews w industry heavyweights about their experience with topic
Resources: Additional video and readings
Testing: Take questionnaire on topic before and after, charting progress in incorporating knowledge
SLIDE 4: The Product
The First Ball To Last App
The Power of Daily Routines
Daily Check-Ins
First page order should be
Morning Routine
Feelings Round
Daily Affirmations
Pre-tennis check-in
Daily Review
Second Page
Spiritual Practice
Third Page
(Feelings on the 5 balls should be}
Anxious, Excited, Depressed, Optimistic, Overwhelmed
(Bring test with Dr Z slides over to the SOLUTION section. Just add them to the stack you have there.
Slide 5 will be HOW IT WORKS
(Top Left) Vital Signs: Developing Daily Routines to Enhance and bolster Emotional Intelligence
(Top Right) Immune System: Coursework over fields of Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Character and Service and Spirituality to build strength and health across all fields
Bottom Left: Testing. Program will be data driven with testing before and after courses to chart development
(Bottom Right) Gamification: Designed for each player to emulate their ideal player, developing in themselves all the attributes they admire in others
Slide 6: Why Tennis should read Why a Tennis Mental Wellness APP
Show APP usage is now 90% of all time spent on Smartphones
Show Mindfulness/ Mental Health App use explosion graphic
Tennis with over 5 million junior tennis players and over 17 million total players is a completely untapped market
Besides the USTA, there are 154 other tennis federations around the world that would benefit greatly from my Program
Slide 7 Competition
Not sure what to say here other than there is none.. I will speak over the slide in my Power Point explaining how we are the first of our kind etc.. Your call on the graphics..
Slide 8 Competitive Advantage or Unique Value Proposition
Direly needed for a huge untapped market. The ability to have at one's fingertips smart clean valuable info to be accessed at a moments notice. A detailed informative APP like ours is well overdue.
Online coaching has many moderate inroads in certain fields of the tennis industry, but nothing has address the mental and emotional demands of the tennis journey.
Groundbreaking coaching concept. A player has an entire mental/emotional/psychological
support system in their hands at all times, information often the ultimate determinant
of success and failure
Sources of Revenue
1) The First Ball To Last APP
All for the cost of a private lesson.. (100/yr..or 10 dollars a month)
I currently have over 50 topics mapped out in the fields of
Introductory Subjects, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Spirituality and Service, Character Development... Depending on frequency of roll-out, looking at a solid 3 years of material all ready to present
2) Books..
Should be able to publish an annual version of our work.. Won't make much on book, but important for promotion/marketing. Will attract media attention and bookings. Excellent promotional value.
3) Eventually add Mentoring Service... For those seeking more
direct help we provide mentoring services with experts in a variety of
fields. Thousands and thousands of kids and
families out there that would benefit greatly from this. Should be able
to grow this with proven testimonials it works, from students and
hopefully a high profile players
Care Packages. It Starts With Love: For the younger
kids who are
likely too young to fully incorporate the body of the mental wellness curriculum. Care
Packages full of cute little affirmation type trinkets. (wrist bands,
hats, sunblock, socks, etc.. Have it ship quarterly in the mode of FabFun or
Slide 10 Marketing Strategy
Philosophy: Sell to Parents, Appeal to both parents and kids
Influencer Partnerships: Exploring area for high value partnerships
Content Marketing: Targeting all relevant demographics with pointed content, leveraging our high-profile industry connections to reach maximum audience through all multimedia forms
Social Media Marketing: Intend to be aggressive across all platforms with hopes of developing viral characters/ideas to draw attention/traffic
Slide 11: Contact Info
Barry Buss
5000 Gracious Drive
Franklin, TN
Phone: 310-776-0180
Investment Needed
200,000 for 6 months
Use of funds
50,000 for development and upkeep of APP
50,000 salary for myself and content creating talent for development all parts First Ball To Last
50,000 Advertising, Legal, Social media, Content creation, Logo,
50,000 Set Aside for unexpected and cost over runs
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