Edits for The Journey

 Add DEFINITION before "A journey is a common metaphor for life as it reminds us that the destination is not our only goal. Like with any form of a journey, there are times when the roads are straight and times when they are winding. There are ups and downs and potholes along the way. And there are often wonderful surprises and fun discoveries that you would never have experienced if it wasn’t for the route you chose."


Add  USE TOPIC IN A TENNIS SENTENCE    "Embarking on a tennis career is akin to setting out on a captivating journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and self-discovery. Much like any expedition, the path is not always straightforward; it meanders through various terrains, each match and tournament marking a unique point on the player's trajectory."


 Replace  "There are no right answers: Just measuring where you are at now as to where you will be after we do the work to chart your progress."   with    " There are no right or wrong answers here. We are simply trying to establish a baseline score from which to work from."

How often do you reflect on your tennis journey and its significance in your life?  (this should be question #1 and not in bold font) Should be a total of 10 questions.. please renumber them thx

Personalize: Should read.. "I will share my own experience through video in the mode of a TedTalk from my home studio with a strong emphasis on production quality and engaging content. I will be pulling liberally from my personal experiences as detailed in my memoir You Can Get There From Here


"Inspiration" needs to be in green font the same size as the others ... Should read "Podcast or Audio interview with an industry heavyweight related to the topic. For example: I would reach out to interview Noah Rubin and his Behind The Racket Series for The Journey. No shortage of content here.

Q and A Session should be in green print : Should read "We answer their questions in clever creative ways."

Look Who Else Thinks This Is Important should be in green print: 

add this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlL3QTZs1Ek

Current Events should be in green print: Add this link  

Everybody should visit the International Tennis Hall Of Fame, chronicling the history of our sport    https://www.tennisfame.com/

Take out Additional Resources

On Retesrt  Replace  "There are no right answers: Just measuring where you are at now as to where you will be after we do the work to chart your progress."   with    " There are no right or wrong answers here. We are simply trying to measure your progress on this topic."


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