

Milestones. Formerly distance markers in ancient times. (add photo). In today's modernity we use the term in somewhat different ways. Milestones now mark significant events in our lives. The day we met, the passing of a loved one, starting dates, ending dates, graduations and anniversaries alike, and of course everybody's favorite day to celebrate, our annual birthday. In our youth, birthday's represented rites of passage, where society metes out privileges in small increments. Turn sixteen, you get to drive, eighteen you're no longer a minor, at twenty-one you can finally take a seat at a bar and order your first adult beverage (legal one, that is).  For us on the wrong side of young, society wisely spreads the milestones out some. We age up every 5 years in our tennis world, not the frenetic 2 years of our junior days. Once we cross the senior discount line, the benefits really start a-coming. Had enough of kids? There's a shiny new senior living complex just for

REdesign Teaching academy section with ROLE MODEL SECTION as EXAMPLE

  OK... important section I need to have this redesigned similar to what you did with the Morning Routine work SECTION 1    WHAT IS IT? SECTION 2    TAKE OUR TEST SECTION 3    WHY IS IT IMPORTANT, HOW TO FIND ONE, SECTION 4   EDUCATE (video section)   Inspire (Video section) Personalize (Video) SECTION 5    ACTION STEPS SECTION 6    Q and A... type in your question.. If we use your question during our Q and A session, you win some Merch SECTION 7   LOOk who else thinks this is important Section 8   RETEST SECTION 9   Congragulations IMPORTANT:   Is there a way to give an award for completing all the material..a Badge or ICon to show progress that shows up on their Profile Page    Also, is there a way to use a lock system, like once they finish the one section it unlocks the next section? if that is too complicated, don't worry aboutit IMPORTANT: I would love to be able to award something for fulfilling all topic matter and show that progress on their Profile Page PLEASE CREATE THIS

Pep talk series

 On Teaching Academy Below the TAKE OUR TEST BUTTON ADD a  Button with the following... COACH'S PEP TALKS Click in Coach's Pep Talks button and what will appear is an image of a Tennis court that I would like to have 4 images possible  just like the Whats New Today Section First Court    ENCOURAGEMENT Second Court   PROBLEM SOLVING Third court    CONSOLING fourt court   MENTORING The design for each court will be something like this A tennis court: A clean court to srart AT THE TOP    ENCOURAGEMENT Below Encouragement will be listed several Topics PLAYING THE TOP SEED PLAYING A BIG FINAL PLAYING A BULLY    Click on a topic and a new screen appears  for example PLAYING THE TOP SEED The following text will appear Hey, Today is the day. You’re about to step onto the court against the top seed. I know it can feel daunting, but remember this: you’ve earned your place here. You’re not just playing the top seed – you’re playing as an equal, as a competitor who has worked hard to be


Visualization for a Competitive Tennis Player 1. Define Topic Visualization is a mental technique involving the creation of vivid, detailed images in the mind to rehearse physical actions, scenarios, and outcomes. For competitive tennis players, it means mentally practicing their game, including specific shots, strategies, and match situations, to enhance performance and confidence. Other Terms for:    Manifest, Dream, Envision, Picture, See/Imagine, Project    Use Topic in a Tennis Sentence "By incorporating visualization into his training routine, John was able to mentally rehearse his serve, leading to improved accuracy and consistency during matches."   MEME:    FBTL 10 question questionnaire     How often do you use visualization techniques before a match to mentally prepare? How often do you visualize executing perfectly during practice sessions? How often do you incorporate visualization into your daily training routine? How often do you visualize overcoming challeng

Goal Setting

MORNING ROUTINE GOAL SETTING STRONG DEFINITION : Goal setting involves identifying specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that you aim to accomplish. For a competitive tennis player, goal setting helps create a roadmap for personal and athletic development, guiding training, performance, and overall progression in the sport. OTHER TERMS FOR GOAL SETTING :   Plotting a course Target Setting Performance Goals Strategic Planning Eyes on the Prize USE GOAL SETTING IN A SENTENCE: For a competitive tennis player, effective goal setting involves outlining specific, measurable, and achievable objectives for each match and training session to continually improve performance and stay motivated . FBTL 10 Questions   How often do you set short-term goals for each training session? How often do you review and adjust your long-term goals throughout the season? How often do you evaluate your performance against your set goals after a match? How often do you use goal se

One Last Ball..

I sat fidgety atop my club's veranda trying to stay loose, stretching my cramping too-tanned legs for my final lesson of the day. Yet my client was late. Calls to his number got us nowhere, none of the girls at the desk recognized his name. Inches away from my favorite kind of lesson, the no-show, no-call, still get-paid type, I heard the rumblings of a classic car muffler circling the parking lot past the tree line. The ultimate mixed feeling. The tired sore part of me aching for early quits, the professional in me trained to be patient and understanding. My coach's periscope activated, I scanned the horizon profiling all within site when down the shrub-lined pathway an elderly gentleman appeared. On a scalding hot and humid summer afternoon he was covered head to toe in old school tennis attire. His bottoms pleated white tennis pants, his top a zip up the front white jacket top with the collar flipped up, white gloves covering both his hands, a classic look from another time

Emotion Racket for Anxiety

  Emotion Wheel for Anxiety in a Competitive Tennis Player Definition of Anxiety Anxiety is an emotional state characterized by feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease, often about an imminent event or uncertain outcome. Similar Emotions Fear Nervousness Apprehension Tension Worry The Faces of Anxiety   Pre-Match Jitters : Nervousness before a game, worrying about performance. Performance Anxiety : Fear of losing or not playing well during a match. Generalized Anxiety : Ongoing worry about falling behind, am I doing enough, am I doing the right things, what competition should I enter, rankings and overall unease about future.         What Anxiety Feels Like Emotional : Overwhelming worry, dread, or panic. Physical : Increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea. The polar opposite of relaxed and free. Mental : Racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, overthinking, ruminating, catastrophizing. What Anxiety Sounds Like Verbal Expressions : Repeated questioni