Down Memory Lane
Tennis, our sport of a lifetime. I still keep in touch with many of my junior rivals, hell, some I consider my closest friends today. One of them in particular got himself an idea recently, to recreate this iconic junior tennis photo from our New England playing days. taking it upon himself to order us some adult-sized shirts to make it all happen. Plans are in the works. Always love reconnecting with my old buds, sharing war stories from back in the day. The long journey back to childhood. I'm part geologist, part archeologist, exploring the strata of memory. The mind and its gigs of storage. Many of the memories are pleasant, innocuous, gentle. Others lay safely inert playing no meaningful role in my life today. But others, thought safely stored deep within my psyche, still remain active, radioactive even, though muted some, memories, like radiation, have their half lives. But I find our mind's selective memory fascinating. Memories I haven't thought of in decades, memor...